About the FilMMAKER
- Cineaste: Cinema in the Nineties, Vol 20, No 2, “When the Personal Becomes Political”, Cynthia Lucia
- El Pais (Madrid): “El Padre de Michael Moore”, Isabel Lafont Sept. 2, 2008
- Cahiers du Cinéma, “Entretien”, Laura Tuillier, Dec. 14, 2014
- The Age: (Melbourne, Aus.) Paul Kalina (July 22, 2004)
- “Photo, Cinéma, Cinéma, Photo – mouvements de Ross McElwee”, Raymond Bellour, June 23, 2014
- “Southern Exposure: An interview with Ross McElwee”, by Scott MacDonald in Film Quarterly, Summer, 2008
- “Ross McElwee” interview by Jesse Pearson in Vice, Vol 16, No 9
- American Museum of the Moving Image, Ross McElwee retrospective, catalogue preface by David Schwartz, Jan. 24, 1998
- Paisajes del Yo: El Cine de Ross McElwee / Landscapes of the Self: The Cinema of Ross McElwee Efrén Cuevas, Alberto García, Ediciones Internacionales Universitarias, Madrid, 2007
- “The extreme subjectivity of Ross McElwee: home as docu-movie”, Michael Unger in Studies in Documentary Film, 2017, Routledge
- Oxford American, “McElwee’s Confessions”, William Giraldi, Spring 2015
- News From Home: il cinema di Ross McElwee, by Alessandro Stellino, Agenzia X, 2013